Category: Uncategorized

  • Self Care


    Do you work hard and deserve a little treat? Is a bubble bath what we all need to heal this weary world? Join us as we discuss both the virtue and  vice that is "self care." 

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  • Etiquette


    Is holding your fork properly simply classist? Is there something refreshing about a society that says please and thank you? Join us as we discuss the pros and cons of minding our manners.

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  • Habits


    Today we're talking about habits. Is it possible to create good ones for a lifetime and finally kick the bad? Will flossing ever be fun? Join us as we discuss building a life of habits. 

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  • Ancient Ways


    Today we're talking about the Lindy Effect. Is an idea, institution or custom valuable just because it's old? How much should ancient ways inform our modern lifestyles and ways of being? Join as we explore how the past informs our present.

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  • Minimalism


    In this episode, we discuss minimalism. Will clearing out your closets cleanse your troubled soul?  Topics include: DALL-E; consumerism; maximalism, the perfect sock.

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  • Live? Laugh? Love?


    In this episode we discuss Live, Laugh, Love… the slogan, the wall art, the worldwide movement. Could the secret to a fulfilling life really be as simple as putting some inspirational words up on the wall? 

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  • Personality Tests


    In this episode, we discuss personality tests. Can we test ourselves into self understanding? Topics include: Myers-Briggs; the Big Five; the Unknowability of the Self; and Phrenology. 

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  • How to Do Nothing


    Today we discuss the value of disconnecting and paying attention to birds, trees, and even a blank wall. Join us as we outline theory behind Jenny Odell’s book, “How To Do Nothing”. [00:11] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole. [00:13] Matt: And my name is Matt Schultz. [00:15] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Matt: Podcast where we…

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