Category: Uncategorized

  • Complaining


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  • Journaling


    Do you feel the urge to record your thoughts? A desire to keep a record of your daily life? See the therapeutic benefits of writing down your feelings? If so, join us as we discuss journaling. 00:10] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole. [00:12] Matt: And my name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Matt: Podcast…

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  • North Sea


    Mini Episode! Join us today for our first mini episode as we discuss the sirens call of the North Sea. [00:00] Rory: Hi, Matt. Hi, Roar. I’m excited for today. We’re recording our first sort of bonus mini episode. [00:07] Matt: Bonus mini episode. Only for superfans. [00:10] Rory: Yeah, only for those how to be addicts who just need more…

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  • Longevity


    When it comes to life, is it quality or quantity that matters? Is mortality a natural part of the human experience or an enemy to be defeated? Join us as we discuss longevity. [00:10] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole, and my name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Matt: And this is how to be the.…

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  • Breath


    Take a deep breath in through your nose and then let it out through your mouth. Could it really be so simple? Join us as we discuss breath.  [00:10] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole, and my name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Matt: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Rory: Podcast where we discuss ancient wisdom, modern…

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  • Intuition


    Do you trust your gut? Rely on the little voice in your head? If so, join us as we discuss intuition.  [00:20] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole, and my. [00:22] Matt: Name is Matt Schultz. [00:24] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:26] Matt: Podcast where we discuss ancient wisdom, modern hacks, paperback self help books, and pithy.…

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  • Ghosts


    Does Halloween always leave you feeling haunted? Are you curious to peak behind the veil and see what’s on the other side? If so, join us as we discuss – ghosts. [00:20] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole, and my. [00:22] Matt: Name is Matt Schultz. [00:24] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:26] Matt: Podcast where we discuss…

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  • Water


    How do you like your water? Carbonated? With lemon? Blessed with positive intentions and kind words? Or stored in massive canisters in your closet in case of disaster. Join us as we discuss water. Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole, and my. [00:13] Matt: Name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Matt: Podcast where we…

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  • Awareness


    Are you trapped in a mental prison of your own making? The answer is yes. Listen to our conversation with author Don Goewey to discover how to set yourself free with the practice of awareness. [00:10] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole. [00:12] Matt: And my name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Rory: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Matt: Podcast where…

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  • Marriage


    Marriage! Some say it’s a source of joy and love and mutual support. Others say it’s an antiquated and sexist ritual. Join us–two unmarried spinsters–as we discuss marriage. [00:10] Rory: My name is Rory O’Toole and my name is Matt Schultz. [00:14] Matt: And this is how to be the. [00:17] Rory: Podcast where we discuss ancient wisdom, modern hacks, paperback…

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